“Everyone is an artist!” – Don Miguel Ruiz
Our Art subject leader is Mrs Ashton.
Our Curriculum is designed with the intent to maximise the potential of all of our pupils; intellectually, socially, morally, emotionally and culturally. We take every opportunity to encourage a love for learning within all of our pupils. Most importantly we allow our children to learn in a safe and stimulating environment, where their views are valued. We value the teaching of art and design technology and are committed to providing a rich curriculum and believe skills in this area can be transferred across to other subjects.
Art is delivered by teaching specific skills and also through opportunities for purposeful cross curricular links. Examples of cross curricular art work is very strong throughout the school; with EYFS producing work on Lowry, KS1 and KS2 producing Roman chariots and catapults. KS2 have also produced some fantastic work based around Remembrance Day.
On occasion we use specialist artists to immerse the children into a topic. For example we had an artist join us during our whole school topic of World War 1.
We have extra-curricular clubs focused on art and design, for example ‘Christmas club’ in which KS2 children designed and made their own Christmas stockings.
As a school we aim to ensure that all pupils:
- Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences.
- Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpting, crafting and all art and design techniques.
- Evaluate their work using appropriate vocabulary
- Know about great artists and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of art.
Children are given the opportunity to revisit skills throughout the school year. The children’s art and design technology is often cross curricular which helps them show their knowledge and understanding in history, geography and science.
Progression in Art
Art at St Joseph's
Our African Art Exhibition