“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” - Steve Jobs
Our Computing subject leader is Miss Cocks.
At St Joseph’s we believe that Computing should be stand alone where children can learn transferable skills to use cross curricular. Computing is an essential part of everyday life therefore we need to equip our children with the rapid-changing world where technology has a leading role. Throughout educating our children, they should be at the forefront of new technology, developing a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding. We want our children to be confident in using technology in different ways to that they leave school computer literate. We do this by teaching the children computational thinking to enable them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world.
Children will be taught about algorithms, data and other principles of computer science. They will have numerous practical experiences of writing and analysing computer programs for different purposes. Pupils will also be taught about a variety of other pieces of software which they will use to achieve different outcomes in their learning. They may use technology to produce written pieces, create presentations, edit sound and video, produce graphs and charts, produce animations and more.
Children have access to Chromebooks and in UKS2 Physical Computing devices: Microbits. The classes also have access to a small bank of iPads. All Chromebooks are equipped with the latest versions of Microsoft products and contain specific, child friendly software for delivering programming lessons.
At St Joseph’s we follow a scheme of work, Kapow, that enables all of our teachers to be confident in delivering computing lessons that teach children fundamental skills that they will continue to develop and revisit over their time at school.
Our EYFS team concentrate on the early journey of children becoming confident in the use of ICT equipment and using it in a safe manor as they understand what an important part it plays in the world around them. Children in EYFS engage in play based, unplugged activities that focus on building children’s listening skills, curiosity and creativity and problem solving. Here at St Joseph’s Computing is the perfect opportunity for children to build their resilience, it gives them the chance to show independence and perseverance when facing a challenge. Living in a technological world, it is important our children have the knowledge, from an early age, how to be safe online and begin to explore their digital literacy skills.
The most relevant statements for computing are taken from the following areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
In Early Year Foundation Stage we aim to allow the children the opportunity to explore technology in a carefree and child-led way, meaning that not only will they develop a familiarity with equipment and vocabulary but they will have will be able to readily access the KS1 curriculum by the end of the year.
Throughout our KS1 classes, the children will be made increasingly aware about using technology safely and respectfully. Children will begin to understand algorithms and being to program on digital devices and learn to debug simple programs, using their logical reasoning. They will be shown how to use a range of technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content as well as recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.
Throughout KS2 the children will continue to develop their debugging skills as they begin to design, and write programs with specific goals. Children will be taught to understand computer networks, including the internet, and the opportunities they offer for communication. They will being to understand how searching online can provide a variety of results and will be taught how to recognise which websites are trustworthy and have reliable information. They will use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and be able to identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
Children at St Joseph’s will be equipped, not only to effectively apply their skills and knowledge of many areas of computing – but can do so safely. Children will have accessed all elements of computing: IT, computer science, safety and digital literacy. We hope that going forward with all of the knowledge they have acquired our children have a great understanding of how to keep themselves safe online; are confident and independent when using technology and can use their skills to problem solve.
Online Safety
At St Joseph's, we recognise the importance of developing children's awareness and knowledge about being safe online. Through specific online safety lessons every half term children learn how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly to gain an understanding of ways to keep themselves safe online.
Children will be given specific sessions on online safety throughout the year. This are embedded throughout our curriculum via Kapow, Project Evolve and Kid Safe. They will be taught about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour when using ICT and when spending time online. Children in all year groups will be given a range of strategies for reporting concerns about content and behaviour that they may be subject to.
Curriculum Overviews
Progression in Computing
Computing at St Joseph's
Scratch Coding
Morpurgo Class used coding to create music, using Scratch, that could be used as a soundtrack over their chosen image from the picture book 'Journey'. They thought about creating the correct mood and taking the reader on a journey through the music they created.
Rowling class did some cross curricular photo editing. After reading our whole school book 'Journey' they were inspired to create their own black and white images with stand out purple and red elements. They used Ipads to take pictures and edit them.
EYFS were introduced to the Beebots and used their knowledge of algorithms (following instructions) to begin programming them. When the Beebot didn't go where they expected the children had their first experience of de-coding the algorithm to find out where it went wrong.
Dahl class were reintroduced to the Beebots and recapped how to programme them to get to their chosen end position. They then created their own Beetbot mats and programmed them to move around, de-coding their algorithms if the Beebots didn't make it to the location they wanted it to.
Bebras Challenge 2022
All children in KS1 and KS2 took part in the Bebras Challenge which is based around their use of computational thinking. Throughout the week, children experienced a variety of challenges and puzzles which they showed great determination towards completing.