Information for Parents
The last OFSTED inspection of the school in May 2012 judged St Joseph’s as “outstanding” and with regard to the Governing Body the report stated:
“The governing body contributes effectively to the excellent leadership. It has very good systems to understand the school’s performance and is very able to hold colleagues to account. It takes a full part in setting direction and evaluating success. Working with staff, it has ensured that the school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils meet requirements. The school’s deep understanding of individuals and families greatly enhances secure child-protection procedures “
In addition, the latest Section 48 inspection which was undertaken by the Diocesan team in November 2017 reported that:
“The quality of provision for the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding. St Joseph's is a welcoming, inclusive, friendly community with a strong family ethos where everyone is welcomed and valued. The sense of family and community in all aspects of school life is evident and is demonstrated in the quality of relationships that exist between pupils, parish community, school staff and governors”.
Both of the reports are historic acknowledgements of the hard work and dedication of the members of the Governing Body and our continuing aim is to ensure that the contribution we make is beneficial to the life of the school, the Headteacher, staff and parents. We all recognise the importance of the role that we play and understand the need to review how we operate and to update our knowledge particularly in response to changes directed by the Government or Local Authority. The last evaluation of the structure of the Governing Body in 2015 led to a decision to undergo reconstitution and our adopted Instrument of Government can be accessed via this link.
If you would like to know more in general about the legal duties, roles and responsibilities of a governor please use the link below. In addition if you would like to know more about the role of the diocese regarding governance in a Catholic school please follow the link to the web page of the Lancaster Diocesan Education Service
Lancashire County Council Governor Information
UK Goverment Department for Education - School Governor Handbook
Page updated 27/08/2023